Sharing is Healing


Whole30 Day 5 and Misc…


I’m Back!!!


Help Me Make a Dream Come True

Help make a dream come true! I’d love to hit the Amazon Best Seller’s List. Here’s how we can make that happen… Download your copy of Clash of the Couples (a book I co-authored along with forty-five fellow bloggers) for just $0.99 – TODAY ONLY. That’s less than the Starbucks you’re currently sipping and would sure make this lady very happy!

So please, please, please…download today! Thank you for your support!


He’s Not Scary, He’s A Little Boy

Jameson's Journey

We’ve had some encounters recently that have inspired me to write this post.  This is something I hope everyone reads and shares.  This is a message that doesn’t just pertain to Jameson, but to all children who are made fun of and singled out for their differences; and I am pretty sure their parents feel the same way I do.

I want to begin by saying that I don’t hold anything against these children, or their parents.  I understand that it can be extremely awkward when your child is the one making fun or being mean to another child.  But, the next time this happens I hope these parents do more.  Because although I cannot take offense, I would be lying if I said it didn’t hurt.  It does.  It hurts to see my child be made fun of, knowing that this will be a big part of his world…

View original post 685 more words

Exciting News!

I was supposed to make this announcement last week but I have been crazy busy. Sorry about that, BUT, better late than never…

I am going to be in a book!!! An awesome book at that!!


Coupledom. Fact or fable, Adam and Eve birthed the perpetual relationship drama as seen on TV today. Despite the serpents, this couple HAD IT MADE. Luxury real estate, lush gardens, and privacy out the yin-yang. Life was glorious until the bare-bottomed babe could no longer resist temptation. Despite her better half’s warnings and threats to sleep in a tree, she tasted the forbidden fruit. One bite of that seductive, juicy contraband and the stage was set for eternity— a nibble that has blossomed into an endless supply of tiny tidbits that divide lovers to this day!
Taking a cue from the naked explorers of authentic sin, Clash of the Couples is a new anthology featuring a collection of completely absurd lovers’ squabbles and relationship spats. Think couples fight over kids, sex, and money? Think again! Furniture, the last beer, and where to store the placenta are what genuinely ignite our feuds. And no argument is off limits. This book has it all!
Inside you’ll find a gut-busting compilation of stories such as: “I Can’t Believe You Ate My Sandwich,” “Never Assume Anything,” “Only I Can Talk About Me,” and “You Want Some College Boobs?” from forty-three fearless writers. Prepare to laugh, roll your eyes, and shiver in suspense. While Eve may have had the first bite, we ate the whole tree. And made pies.
Published by Blue Lobster Book Co., Clash of the Couples launches loudly and obnoxiously on November 3, 2014. You’ll hear us coming, but look for it on Amazon, B&N, Apple, and other places where you typically buy books. For instant updates, follow along on Facebook!
The lineup includes:

Andrew S. Delfino of Almost Coherent Parent

Crystal Ponti of MommiFried

Camille DeFer Thompson of Camille DeFer Thompson

Kimberly Morand of Anchor Magazine: Navigating Depression, Bipolar, and Anxiety

Meredith Napolitano of From Meredith to Mommy

Chris Dean of pixie.c.d.

Linda Roy of elleroy was here

Kevin Zelenka of Double Trouble Daddy

Sarah Cottrell of Housewife Plus

R.C. Liley of Going Dad

Mary Widdicks of Outmanned

Marie Bollman of Make Your Own Damn Dinner

Ginny Marie of Lemon Drop Pie

Mike Reynolds of Puzzling Posts

Leigh-Mary Hoffmann of Happily Ever Laughter Blog

Lisa Petty of Lisa R. Petty

Lynn Shattuck of The Light Will Find You

Jeff Bogle of Out With The Kids

Stacey Gustafson of Are You Kidding Me?

Angela Godbout of FRaPS

Courtney Conover of The Brown Girl with Long Hair

Jenny Hills of Express Bus Mama

Marcia Kester Doyle of Menopausal Mother

Julia Arnold of Frantic Mama

Jessica Azar of Herd Management

Susan A. Black of I Like That

Dave Lesser of Amateur Idiot Professional Dad

Sarah del Rio of est. 1975

Nicole R. Wildhood of Naught Be All Else

Angela Keck of Writer Mom’s Blog

Alexa Bigwarfe of No Holding Back

Brian Sorrell of Dadding Full Time

Kathryn Leehane of Foxy Wine Pocket

April Grant of 100lb Countdown

Bev Feldman of Linkouture

Jodi Flaherty of The Noise of Boys

Scott Rigdon of Three Five Zero

Lydia Richmond of Cluttered Genius

Allie Burdick of VITA – Train for Life

Michelle Grewe of Crumpets and Bollocks

Barb Godshalk of Co-Author of Tall Tales and Short Stories from South Jersey

Jonathon Floyd of One Funny Daddy

Amanda Mushro of Questionable Choices in Parenting

Chris Carter of The Mom Cafe

Busy, Busy, Busy

After a very emotional day yesterday, a very busy day today is welcomed. It is keeping my mind occupied for the most part.

I have been taking care of my daughter since last night and have also been cleaning and prepping for the big lobster bake that I am hosting on Sunday.

Lots to do and this is my only day off. My work called me this morning to try and talk me into going in because they were short handed, but obviously I said no. My daughter needs me and I have a ton to do. I feel a little bad, because I normally do try to be available but not this time.

She just went to lay down so I decided to try to squeeze in a blog post. It looks like my other sites will need to wait until next week before I will be able to get to them.

Emotionally Challenging Day

Today has been very emotional for me, and I know why, but it is weird that it has affected me as much as it has.

First, if you have read my post, I Failed the Blog Challenge , then you know that I had spent the day Monday in the hospital with her. She hasn’t improved throughout the week so she called me at work this morning to let me know that her father had taken her back in. My poor girl is suffering so bad.

So like that isn’t emotional enough, I had a boy and his grandfather come into my work today because the boy had made a tough decision. You see, they were in a couple of weeks ago to see if we could order parts for the boys toolbox so he could fix it enough so that it could hold his dads tools. His dad had died a short time ago and this box and tools was all he had left. Unfortunately that particular style of the Craftsman Toolbox was discontinued years ago and you cant even get the parts, but my boss let me offer him a trade in for a brand new toolbox that was equivalent. That is the part he had to think about. To trade in his dead fathers toolbox to have a new one to hold his dead fathers tools.

Well that young man came in today making probably the toughest decision of his life. He traded the old one for a brand new one. Most people would be excited but I could see the pain in his little eyes. My heart was breaking for him. I wanted him to be able to keep that old box just to have and still have the new one that was at least functional. But no, I was told that we could not do that.

After I went out back trying to plead my case one more time, I was still told no. What were they going to do with that old box anyway? Throw it in the trash, so to speak. (Just so you know, I did not do any of this in front of the little boy or his family). I was crying walking back to my section. I felt so bad for him and he was being so strong and brave. He was doing the right thing even though it hurt.

I couldn’t let it go, still can’t. I tried calling the store back tonight after I had left to try one more time, the answer was still no. This just doesn’t seem fair. My work explained that it was done through a warranty exchange and it will get thrown away, but not until it gets sent back to Craftsman for verification. It makes sense, but I just thought it would have been a good deed since that little boy was trying to do the grown up thing even though it was causing him so much obvious pain.

So those are my two emotional triggers for today. I am signing off now since my daughter will be dropped off here with her mamma in just a few minutes.


I Failed The Blog Challenge

I am hanging my head low today. I just realized that I did not post to this blog yesterday. I did post to my business blog and I will share it here. Don’t check out my site though, it is not ready…I just started it. I will let you all know when it is ready. But anyway, let me give a brief explanation of what happened yesterday.

I got a call first thing in the morning from my daughter saying that she needed to go to the hospital. That is where we spent our day and then I brought her home with me so I could take care of her. She is still in pain, but the pain meds help to relieve some of it.

Life Events Blog


Everything Happens for a Reason

So my day has been sent into a spin and I have only been awake for a few hours. My mother sent me a message this morning saying that she has put a “for sale” sign on her land up north and the one that I am living in is next. We knew it was coming but it is just more real now.

So a little panic set in. Nothing major, but a little. I pay my rent to my mother and I know that she depends on that money every month so I don’t want to move too quickly because that would leave her in a pinch. But at the same time, she followed through and put everything on the market so obviously she knows that we can’t wait until the last minute to find some place.

So I texted my girlfriend to tell her (half jokingly) that if her renters didn’t work out to let me know because the farm (my house I am in now) is on the market. I got a text back saying that her renters told her two days ago that they cant move in because they are going through a divorce. Perfect timing but scary as all get out.

The only thing she wants for rent is enough to cover her mortgage and insurance, then of course we would pay our own utilities. Which is an amazing deal for that house, BUT it is still almost tripling what we pay now. Things would be tight for sure. I think we could do it, but it scares me to death.

The timing of everything is crazy. Everything happens for a reason, so is this what is meant to be? That is the question.


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